July 18, 2024Medication New sexually transmitted fungal infection discovered in NYC – first US case Health experts are warning of new and highly contagious strains of fungus after a NYC man in his 30s developed a sexually […]
July 18, 2024mental Health Chronically lonely adults face higher risk of stroke: study Older adults who experience chronic loneliness face a 56% higher risk of stroke than those who are not lonely, according to a […]
July 18, 2024mental Health Antidepressants known to cause more weight gain: study Lexapro, Paxil and Cymbalta carry a higher risk of packing on the pounds than Zoloft, while Wellbutrin users are less likely to […]
July 18, 2024mental Health The most stressed US cities are revealed in new WalletHub study We live in the United States of Stress. WalletHub has calculated the most stressed US cities — and it’s bad news for […]
July 18, 2024Nutrition Quick exercises at night can help you sleep longer: study It turns out that squats are better than evening squats. New research reveals that taking a break from couch life to do […]
July 18, 2024Medication Exercise may lower ALS risk in men – but not women: study Moderate or vigorous exercise may lower the risk of ALS, a fatal disease, for men but not for women, a new study […]
July 18, 2024Nutrition Cycling cuts risk of early death by 47%: new study This is good news on wheels for bike commuters. Cyclists have a 47% lower risk of early death and a 10% lower […]
July 18, 2024Medication Are rich people at greater genetic risk for cancer? What the experts say It turns out that wealth can’t buy good health. A new, large study out of Finland suggests that people with good jobs […]